Australia vs France 1981

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View  Australia 43 (P. McCabe 2, S. Mortimer 2, K. Boustead, G. Brentnall, J. Masterman, J. Ribot, S. Rogers tries; M. Cronin 8 goals) defeated France 3 (H. Ratier try) at Sydney Cricket Ground.
Date: Sat, 4th July.   Kickoff: 3:00 PM.   Halftime: Australia 30-0.   Scrums: 9-all.   Penalties: Australia 12-9.   Referee: Kevin Steel.   Crowd: 16,277.
View  Australia 17 (T. Fahey 2, R. Morris tries; M. Cronin 4 goals) defeated France 2 (A. Perez goal) at Lang Park.
Date: Sat, 18th July.   Kickoff: 3:00 PM.   Halftime: Australia 9-0.   Scrums: France 9-8.   Penalties: France 9-8.   Referee: Don Wilson.   Crowd: 14,000.